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CAE Tech

This initiative encourages future technicians from various fields to start a career at CAE by offering traineeships that are integrated in the workplace. It is intended for full-time students registered in technology-oriented programs.

Conception assistée par ordinateur – CATIA

Un lamineur superpose des couches de fibre de verre et de résine sur différents types de moules, à l’aide de patrons et d’outils appropriés, en vue de la fabrication et réparation de bateaux, de produits d’habitation (bains, cabines de douche, balcons, piscines), de produits aéronautiques (avions, hélicoptères, simulateurs), d’équipement de sport, de réparation de carrosseries de véhicules motorisés, etc.

Contrôle de la qualité aéronautique

Ce programme, d’une durée de 6 mois, prépare les élèves à travailler notamment dans les usines de production et les ateliers d’assemblage aéronautique. Si vous désirez progresser dans l’industrie aéronautique et que vous répondez aux critères d’admission, cette AEC de perfectionnement est probablement pour vous.

Elements of avionics

The Elements of Avionics program aims to train people to work as avionics technicians in organizations that operate aircraft, as well as companies that repair, check, performance maintenance on or manufacture aircraft and aircraft components.

Elements of aircraft structural repair

This program aims to make people who have successfully completed vocational diploma program 5197, Aircraft Structural Assembly, eligible for the « S » license from Transport Canada.

Fabrication de pièces industrielles et aérospatiales en composites

Un lamineur superpose des couches de fibre de verre et de résine sur différents types de moules, à l’aide de patrons et d’outils appropriés, en vue de la fabrication et réparation de bateaux, de produits d’habitation (bains, cabines de douche, balcons, piscines), de produits aéronautiques (avions, hélicoptères, simulateurs), d’équipement de sport, de réparation de carrosseries de véhicules motorisés, etc.

Aerospace engineering

Ce diplôme permet de devenir un spécialiste en génie aérospatiale dans les domaines suivants : Conception et fabrication aéronautique, Avionique et commande, Développement de produits et intégration des systèmes.

Automated Manufacturing Engineering

This program trains engineers to be specialists in automation and integration of technology through their know-how of electronics, mechanics, IT, and industrial engineering.

Materials Engineering

Materials engineers are involved in all stages of development, manufacturing and use of materials. Often working on a team, they use their understanding of how materials behave to help their colleagues achieve their goals by suggesting the most suitable materials. Thus, we find materials engineers at all steps, whether in development, assembly or quality control of materials.

Operations and Logistics Engineering

The bachelor’s program in operations and logistics engineering aims to train general engineers to be able to design, organize, coordinate, improve and monitor service, logistics and manufacturing organizations.

Electrical engineering

Electrical engineers play a role in the design of all products and systems that use electricity, including the radios, televisions, cellular phones, computers, and other consumer electronics that surround us. Electrical engineers also design and build devices and systems for industry: everything from ultrasound machines, artificial limbs, and elevator dispatching systems to weather radars, electrical power grids, and the thousands of other electrical systems that we take for granted as part of our everyday lives.

Computer Engineering

Increasingly, employers are looking for engineers with sound technological and scientific knowledge, who have a problem-solving and cost-effective approach, and who are mindful of the social, economic and environmental impacts of their projects.

Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineers improve the productivity, efficiency and profitability of industrial operations. To do this, they design, improve, implement and manage integrated systems for the production of goods and services comprised of people, raw materials and components, information, equipment and energy.

Software Engineering

Software engineers are qualified professionals involved in the design, coding, and testing of large software products. Software engineers specialize in a number of areas including analog/digital signal processing, integrated circuits, microwaves, fibre optics, lasers, microprocessors, and radio astronomy. They are also responsible for tasks such as directing projects, managing teams, estimating costs and resources, assessing business plans, reviewing proposals and suggesting innovations.

Mechanical engineering

This training prepares engineers to plan and implement projects involving various applications of mechanical engineering. Through this program, students develop their capacity to design and implement mechanical systems, components, processes or procedures.

Efficient Managers

Effective Managers is a comprehensive training and coaching program for newly appointed supervisors and first-level managers and any supervisor who wants to improve his or her team’s performance.

Aircraft maintenance

The Attestation of Collegial Studies in Aircraft Maintenance aims to train candidates to work as aircraft maintenance technicians and allows them to acquire the necessary skills for servicing and maintenance of engines, airframes and aircraft equipment.

Cable and circuit assembler

The cable and circuit assembler manufactures, installs, connects, verifies and provides quality control of the wires and cables of aircraft electrical appliances. It then checks the continuity of the electric current and corrects the detected problems.

Aircraft structural assembly

This program allows you to master the manufacture, assembly, configuration and installation of the parts that make up the structure of an aircraft.

Mechanical assembly

This program allows you to master the manufacture, assembly, installation, inspection and repair of many essential aircraft components.


Learn to draw parts, machine, inspect, configure and assemble to manufacture and repair a wide variety of tools, jigs for production and inspection, dies and moulds.

Aircraft piloting

This training allows you to obtain a license as a multi-engine pilot, a helicopter pilot, or even a bush pilot.

Methods agent – structural assemblies in aeronautics

This development program aims to train people to work in production plants and aircraft assembly workshops for air carriers.

Robotique Industrielle

Ce programme, d’une durée de 6 mois, prépare les élèves à travailler notamment dans les usines de production et les ateliers d’assemblage aéronautique. Si vous désirez progresser dans l’industrie aéronautique et que vous répondez aux critères d’admission, cette AEC de perfectionnement est probablement pour vous.


This program trains you to plan, direct or perform installations, preventive maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of the electrical, electronic and digital systems (conventional and automated) found on all aircraft, particularly for navigation and communications.

Techniques d’usinage

En devenant machiniste tu pourras régler et conduire des machines-outils; usiner avec précision des pièces de métal brut; faire de la lecture de plans et devis; calculer des dimensions; voir à l’entretien des machines-outils et des outils utilisés.

Aerospace Engineering Technology

This program allows you to master the computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD-CAM) of aircraft parts, to plan the stages of manufacturing, assembly and quality control for aircraft and thrusters.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

In mechanical engineering, you develop a wide range of skills, including drawing with AutoCAD and 3-D design using Catia software. You also get to explore how computer-controlled (CNC) machines and robots operate, using cutting-edge software like Automation Studio and Mastercam.

Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Through this program, you will learn to maintain aircraft airworthiness. Note that you must demonstrate a sufficient English language proficiency required for admission.

Careers in aircraft maintenance include aircraft maintenance technician, aircraft component repair technician, test bench technician and inspector.

Precision sheet metal work

Learn how to process sheet metal to manufacture aircraft parts. Draw sketches, perform calculations, program specialized equipment and control quality according to the specifications required for each part.

Surface treatment

Learn to make high-precision plating on parts in order to enhance their technical performance. This training allows students to master surface preparation, stripping, masking, handling and quality control for each part

Machining on machine tools with numerical control

Learn to perform tasks related to the manual and automatic programming, preparation, configuration and running of lathes and machining centres.